is a Japanese word that means “the Real Place”. In the Lean context the Shop Floor is the place where the value is added.
In 2005, GUEMBA ENGINEERS company was started for parts assembly activities and equipment industry. Since 2008, due to our experience in manufacturing industry and the successful outcome of several projects, we also offer our clients training and consulting services and commerce of machinery and components.
Help our customers to maximize operacional outputs, allowing to focus on their core business.
Carry out activities of the operational value chain of our clients.
Long-term decisions and attitude are key principles for us.
Ethics | Quality | Professionalism | Continuous improvement for perfection
The Quality Policy adopted by GUEMBA is based on the commitment to comply with legal, statutory and regulatory requirements for our quality management system, in compliance with the principles:
- Quality of service
- Add value to process
- Customer satisfaction
- Operational efficiency
- Performance improvement
- In product line
- In product development
- In production planning
- In production execution
- In packing
Guemba Engineers, Lda
Pq. Empresarial Quimiparque, 79
3860-680 Estarreja | Portugal
Tel: +351 234 841 123
(call to national local network)
Fax: +351 234 843 057